Thursday, 11 December 2008

Someone Help me feel Christmassy!!!

Friday tomorrow....Yipee!!!!

I dont particularly like Fridays as it is one of my days to work, I just like it as it means TWO whole days off after I finish work!!!

I do love being at home, time goes by quite quick sometimes and I definately do not get bored, it is just soooo nice to get up and think....'what shall I do today' and on a good day it's nice to have hubby at home too, actually no, I do like him always being at home with me, unless it is wet outside and they are indoors getting under your feet and that can cause a stress related problem! Its one of those situations where you want them to be at home with you, but whenever you turn around you do not want to be bumping into them if that makes sense! On the whole though mine is pretty good and will occupy him self in his shed or garage probably keeping himself out from under my feet as he is fully aware of the consequences of getting on my nerves, if you get my drift!!

This is our last week-end before Christmas on our own at home, week-end after next we are going to Wells in Somerset to see my other halfs family on the Sunday, we are due to be there around 11.30 for an hour or two and then have to go on after that to see some friends but wont be late getting home as we have to be up for work at 5.30am on the Monday so like to be tucked up in bed by 10pm at the latest.

And then before you know it it will be Christams Day!!!! I am really trying to get excited about it, but it just is not happening?! I don't know why, is it just because I am getting old? Is it due to the credit crunch...god I hate hearing those words!! The more Blogs that I read the more I do not feel alone in this way, I feel that I have hung out my Christam Decs because I have to, not because I particularly want to, I think that perhaps next year really is the time to maybe think about going abroad, hubby has always mentioned it and I have rebelled but maybe now is the time!

Anyway not to make this into a doom and gloom blog, you have probably switched off from me by now, or even slit your wrists!! But I will show you a couple of pics of my Glass Decs, even though the spirit is not there!!

Right now I am sat on our sofa, in front of a blazing open fire and drinking a Glass of Rose' wine.....BLISS, just about to go and visit a couple more of your blogs before bed time, have a good friday all and catch up againg during the week-end!



  1. I think its the dreaded CC.....grim!

    But then you have to remember that in many ways we are all so lucky...thats the true meaning of Christmas.....having ppl you love about have a lovely home and it looks very festive....and a wonderful family....i do hope that seasonal loveliness comes your way and the festive feeling will just pop into your heart!

    Shall we pull a cracker?
    but i don't wear the you can have that!LOLxxxxxxx

  2. I know exactly what you mean Andrea - I don't feel christmassy until I get home from work on the day we break up for Christmas! I must admit my heart sank when I got home tonight to find that oh on his day off had put up the christmas tree ready to be decorated - my son's girlfriend was going to do it for me, but she has come down with the lurgy so it's back to me!


    p.s. My Godmother used to live in Wells, a lovely town, so I used to go down every year to visit before heading off to Axbridge to visit my Nan...your mention has brought back memories.

  3. I think all the doom and gloom in the media doesn't help...very bah, humbug! I think they make us all feel things are a lot worse than they are.
    You'll feel Christmassy come Christmas...probably Christmas Eve when you're all shopped out and you can sit down with a large glass of something!
    Until then, try Classic Fm...lot's of lovely Christmas carols; works for me everytime.
    Deb x

  4. we always decorate the outside of our home every year but it's beginning to feel like a chore instead of doing it for pleasure,this year I'm not rally into it and to me it feels like all this hassle just for one day.But we have to plod along for the sakes of our children who make it seem all worth while when they open up all their presents on christmas morning and see their faces and this year I have a granson to spoil merry christmas everyone!!!!
