Saturday, 13 December 2008

My Christmas Swop and my Red Table

This Morning Hubby went up to the Main sorting office in Exeter to collect my Swop from Hen House that the Postie had tried to deliver in the week but as we were at work he was unable to leave it, look how Beautiful it is all wrapped up.........

I am going to email Hen to ask if she minds if I do not unwrap it just yet and do my best to wait until Christams Day! If it's ok with her then you too will have to wait to see what lovely goodies are inside!!! It's sooooo exciting and I am sooooo pleased that I took part in this!

I had this table from good old Freecycle a few weeks ago and have now finally got around to painting the legs of it in a Bright Red and covering that top of it in Cath Kidston Chintz Oilcloth, I think that it is perfect as when Hubby has Cheese & Biscuits and a Glass of Red Wine in the evening I can simply wipe the top off with a damp cloth and it will be as good as new again without leaving a ring mark on the wood and staining it.

It was put to good use last evening for the first time too, my parents came over for a Roast Meal last evening which was a nice surprise, Hubby was talking to Dad on the telephone late afternoon yesterday and mentioned that they may pop over for a drink with us in the evening and so Hubby suggested that if they were coming over why not come and have Tea with us? We didn't have to ask twice!!!!! So it was perfect to pop our drinks on as when you have a clumsy Labrador trying to get as close as he can to the Fireplace, regardless as to what is in his way as he is coming through!!! It saved any accidents occuring as Drinks were up out of the way!!

It's strange weather here today, Damp, Grey and pretty miserable, I have a Basket of wet washing that if I put out on the washing line I think that it would just hang there and be just as damp when I picked it in as it is now, I think that I will wait and see what the weather does tomorrow and see if we get a little bit of Sunshine and a bit of a Breeze to help it along.

How are your week-ends panning out? Are you venturing out into the Crowds of many many people in the town centres or are you internet shopping? We do not have that much more to buy now, I think four more pressies and I would like to get a couple of Table Pressies, oh, but we do still have the dreaded Food shop to do, we may do most of that actually on Friday when I finsh work (except for the Fruit and Veg which we will get on Christmas Eve), we finish at 2.30 so can get in and out before most people leave work and head to the Supermarkets!

Right, I am going to go and clean the Chooks out now as it looks as if we are in for a shower of rain so need to get on with it,

enjoy the rest of your week-end


  1. Love the table, looks really good.
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  2. Yes that website is just toooo tempting! The shop is worse though, everything just looks so sparkly and shouts "buy me buy me!" at you.

    That table looks great, Chintz is my absolutely favourite Kidston pattern and goes so well with the red legs.

    mel x

  3. I'm so pleased you have enjoyed the swap and the table is super duper!xxx

  4. Hello....i'm watching little Dorrit!
    I'm eating Pasta and Lloyd Grosman sauce...and stewed apples and custard! yum!xxx

  5. Steal any ideas you like!!! I love the heart too, it was a really nice surprise to get :)

    Hope you're having a nice sunday x

  6. Hi Andrea,
    Of course, you can open your parcel when you like - I'd have wrapped it in less see-through paper had I known, sorry! Not sure if you've tried to send yours; we've just got back from the cottage and we do have two "parcels to collect" cards from the postie. Now don't mention xmas food shopping because having driven all the way to Bridport especially for the xmas Farmers' Market on Saturday and having spent quite a lot on splendid sausages, bacon etc for xmas day (was going to freeze it inbetween), we've just got home (via an AA relay truck as the car broke down again) to find we've left the cool bag with all the food in it on the kitchen floor in the cottage. I need a drink...

    Hen x

    P.s. Love the table...

  7. Hmmmm, eiderdown or Rich, it's a fine line lol.
    He did laugh when I read him your comment.
    Sorry, eiderdown stays, I will get on the sofa with it if I have too.
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  8. Heehee, yes totally bored today! We'd already done drawing, playing with the kids' kitchen and (in desperation) reading a Christmas cookery book so there weren't many options left!!! I'm quite looking forward to making the bunting, I haven't made any for months.

    Mel x
