Tuesday, 9 December 2008

It's Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, considering up until last week I have been Bah Humbug, and really did not want to do the whole 'Christmas thing' this year, I have been thoroughly enjoying decorating my House since the week-end!!

It all started with me Cleaning all the windows in my house inside and out on my day off last Thursday, up and down on and off the stool, I jarred my back and could hardly walk come Friday morning!! I have suffered with my back since having Horses and not bending correctly whilst mucking out and don't need much to put it out of sink ever since. But feeling sorry for myself I hobbled off to work on Friday and during the morning my husband texted me to check that I was still on the planet, and I explained that it would probably take my mind off it hurting if I had a Christmas Tree to decorate over the weekend :>( and he really did come up trumps with a Beauty!!!!!

I collected him from work and he explained that he had collected one during the day and already taken it home, he went on to say that he had gone to our local Mole Valley Farmers and got one of these 'Non-Drip'!!!! Trees, all done up in a net so I have no idea what it looks like.........OMG!!! What on earth I thought is it going to be like!!!!!!!!

The only time we ever really have a few words between us is whilst picking out a Tree each year, (we did actually attempt an Artificial one but both decided no thank you and back in the box it went) I know that I am a fuss pot especially when it comes to me Tree, we went up to Haldon Woods last year to buy one, he went along the rows standing them up out of the crowd of the other trees all laid against each other to hear me saying...not enough branches in the middle, the back is a bit sparse, too high, too short....do you get my drift as to what a pain in the arse I am??!!

But he did well, more luck than judgement I think, but it is (in my opinion) a Beauty, so I just had to share it with you......

And as I say, the Christmas spirit really set in, my Garland went up trailing down the Stair Case along with lights a plenty.....

Twigs in vases and decorated with smaller Baubles.....

Baubles in a Nice Big round Vase on the Mantel piece.....

We have actually had a really lovely week-end, I know that we are already on Tuesday!!! It started (although with a sore back) decorating the house on Friday evening, Did you know a few Glases of Wine does wonders for a bad back!!! Still decorating the house on saturday day time my son and his girlfriend came over on Saturday evening for a meal, followed by going to my sister and brother in-laws house for Tea on Sunday evening, the weather was good too, look how fresh and Christmassy it looked on the roof om my little car on Sunday morning....

I am still a little stressed at the mo though, still soooo many Christmas Pressies to buy! We have cut out buying now for some of the Children that are no longer children and are grown ups and have probably (Definately) got more money than me!!! So that makes it a little easier.

I have gone to wrap up my Christmas Swop this evening to find that we have run out of cellotape....I know, I know, it should have been posted by now but I will get some on my way home from work tomorrow and send it Recorded Delivery on Thursday, this has been a really good idea so well done to At Home With MelMel and Notes From My Days for organising this, it's such a great idea!!

Well I am going to leave you now...enough rambling, I will leave you with a few of my Decorations from my Tree......

My Little Rustic Angel...

Felt Mitten....

Jute Heart....

Red Stocking....

I LOVE these, they look so Traditional and Old fashioned....

My Good Old faithful Red Wooden Hearts....

I bought these last year and thought that they look really nice and rustic...

I will post more in the week...thats if I have not bored the pants off of you all with my little Decorations!

Take Care
Andrea x


  1. Hi there!

    thank you for the lovely comment....your whole house looks amazing! very festive indeed!

    I'm pleased with my tree....we were on a tight budget, i haggled!

    Also we are stuck for space so i measured....and its fits perfectly!

    I love traditional decs.....yours are lovely!xx

  2. I see what you mean about the tree thing!! I think perhaps we need some help...
    Deb x

  3. Lovely decorations - you really have got into the Christmas spirit!

    I hope you back is better.


  4. Hi Andrea, thanks for visiting my blog & leaving a comment. Your tree is lovely .. hubby did a good job there! It's amazing how festive you start to feel once a few decorations are up, isn't it?!
    Willow x
    (p.s. ditto with the bad back - was picking out hooves yesterday & now am suffering!)

  5. The decorations are really looking lovely. Love the rustic ones.
    I do normally have a real tree, I enjoy going out to pick one and bringing it home. This year I couldn't face it and went for the easy option!
    It is so nice seeing what everyone does with their decorations, I always peep into peoples homes, love it when they put on the lights and leave the curtains open. Everything looks so nice and cosy!
    Carol xx

  6. Thanks v much for your comment, I know you're right really but I think some days things just get too much.

    Love your tree and those gorgeous decorations, little wooden ones are always my favourites too.

    Mel x

  7. That is so kind of you, thank you. I'm really not fussy, love them all, i did see someone with a blue and white spotty one today though which i was quite taken with.
    Love, love, love your decorations.
    Take care
    Beki xxx

  8. Perfect tree. The boy done good.

  9. gorgeous tree and decorations :-D pass that christmas spirit to me though as other than a few baubles in a jar and a wreath on the front door i just cant get into it !!!
    i do feel more inspired after seeing yours though :-)
    Lesley x

  10. Hi,

    It is crap being broke! Looks like my mum wouldn't have made it over to babysit anyway so it's probably lucky I cancelled when I did!

    I hope you have a lovely Christmas even if you can't buy the things you wish you could. Your house is looking beautiful.

    Mel x
