Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Knitting and Crocheting and Chocolates!!

This is Jo's fault over at French Knots !!

Ever since she has shown us the Beautiful Scarf that she has made I have been totally inspired to get some Needles and start Knitting!! I used to knit when I about 10 years old, but I can't remember now how to do it, all that Wine has killed off my Brain Cells!!
Actually I can't blame Jo entirely, I borrowed this book from the library and spotted this lovely Chunky Knitted Cushion Cover...and I want to make it!! This evening would be good, I want to run before I can walk as they say!!

Ginny over at The Flour Loft has very kindly let me have the name of a good Teach yourself how to Knit Book so I shall be going onto good old reliable Amazon later on to seek that one out, thanks for that Ginny.

But that's not all...I also want to make this Adorable Crochet Throw, and guess what? You've got it, I don't know how to Crochet either!! I have purchased an adorable ball of wool, yes, just the one, to practise with, it is a Soft & Gentle Baby Pink Chenile Wool, my husband however, has kindly informed me that I won't be able to use this kind of wool to start as I won't be able to see my stitches? What does he know? Or maybe he is right?!

I am not sure where all of this has come from? I want to make this, I want to make that, I want, I want, at the ripe old age of 42 you would have thought that all of this would be out of my system by now wouldn't you?! But I am sure that you will all agree it is Gorgeous and I can just imagine it sitting at the bottom of my bed!! So, if you know any easy teach yourself how to Crochet books then I would love to hear about them!!

I have had an early Valentines Present!!! No, not from my Husband but from my Son & his Girlfriend!! Don't they look Delicious? They are all packaged up soooo wonderfully that I do not want to undo them!! I think that these will be beside me tomorrow evening, on the sofa with a glass or Two of Bubbly!! Yummy...I cant wait!

Hope that you all get something nice for Valentines Day!

Andrea xx


  1. Mmmmm, I quite fancy having a go at that cushion cover myself. All I've knitted lately is a hat and sweater for a sock monkey! I think I need to do something a bit more grown up.

    I've forgotten how to crochet - I used to be able to do it, but now can't for the live of me remember. x

  2. Now knitting is somthing that I never learned as a child but I have to say that since I started blogging I have a dreadful desire to change that!
    Hope you have a wonderful Valentine too.

  3. I love knitting but im not very good ..... i have been knitting Kitty some mitts for about 2 years !!

    Sara x

  4. I fancy a go at knitting, I have not done it since I was 10!!! Can you let me know the name of that book as I might make a purchase from Amazon myself.

    Happy Valentines day!

  5. Hi
    Have to say I only started knitting again just over a year ago and I had never knitted since I was taught at school (long long time agao LOL). But I am not very good. Tricia

  6. I bet those choccies were yummy, they looked so nice packaged up. Just views your shop, you have some lovely things there.
